Tag: Herbs

14 Sep

The Mother of all herbs “Motherwort”

It can be challenging navigating the stressors of life. Quite often I see women who have been busy for years even decades, who have been taking care of everyone else around them and have forgotten to take care of themselves. Historically the Greeks and Romans have used this plant to treat emotional and physical problems […]

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11 Jun

Are your bowels doing this???

Do you experience abdominal pain or discomfort that is usually relieved by passing wind or a bowel motion? Do you suffer from abdominal bloating, chronic diarrhoea, constipation or alternate between the two? These symptoms are associated to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which can be triggered by a food intolerance, stress, medication or infection. Symptoms are […]

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7 May

All about Withania

When the body under goes stress, change or trauma there are some Naturopathic liquid herbs that can support and nourish the body to adapt and cope with the transition. Withania somnifera is a gentle herb known as a: Mild sedative Tonic (Improves tone, vigor and function of the whole body.) Adaptogenic (Increases the bodies resistance […]

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7 May

Three tips to improve your immune system

As we enter the cooler months our risk of catching a cold or flu increases. Here are 3 tips you can start today to support your immune system: Sleep Our circadium rhythym is disrupted when our sleep is disrupted and this can then lead to a disturbed immune response. Stress Chronic stress disturbs gut microbiota […]

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