Below is a list of frequently asked questions to assist you with your wellbeing. If you have a question which is not listed below, please contact our team and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Can I use a digital Health Fund card to claim?

Yes! Digital health fund claiming is now available for most health funds (check with your fund) with TYRO.

Do I need to pay a deposit to confirm my appointment booking?

Yes, for most appointments at Embrace Life, a deposit to secure your appointment, is payable at the time of booking.

Do you use gentle chiropractic techniques for babies and children?

Yes, at Embrace Life, we use a special approach for little ones – our Chiropractors use gentle techniques suitable for babies and children. Please visit our page Chiropractic for Babies and Children. Read more about the Safer Care Victoria study from 2019, that investigated the safety of chiropractic care for children under 12 – https://www.bettersafercare.vic.gov.au/publications/chiropractic-

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care adjusts the body structure aiming tooptimise movement, strength, flexibility and co‐ordination. This works by improving and enhancing joint movement and nerve function for the whole of you.

Can I have chiropractic care during my pregnancy?

Yes, chiropractic care during pregnancy may help to reduce back pain and other pregnancy related musculoskeletal pains. Our Chiropractor’s use gentle, low force techniques to help you feel comfortable.

What is massage?

Massage is officially known as the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues to correct areas of tension.Massage is used to heal, invigorate the mind and relax the body. It reaches all the major body organs as well as helping the muscles and soft tissues stay healthy.

Am I too old for a massage?

No, anyone can have a massage regardless of your age, as long as the therapist is experienced and mindful of your situation and adjusts the pressure and length of massage accordingly.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique using needles, cupping and moxibustion to stimulate the nerves and hormones to treat a problem in the body. Needles are sterile and disposable. Consultations include feeling your pulse and analysing your tongue.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Understandably, some assume that acupuncture needles hurt. Not true! When these slight needles are administered by a qualified acupuncturist the patient may feel a slight prick or even nothing. Sometimes a small electrical sensation is felt when the needle contacts the ‘qi’ or energy of the body.

What is reflexology?

Reflexology is a gentle therapy working with the hands and feet to promote the natural body functions. It works by focusing on reflex points that are connected to every part of the body.

I'm very ticklish, can I still have reflexology?

Reflexology uses a series of gentle yet firm pressure moves over the feet and/or hands, so even if you’re ticklish, you can have reflexology.

Will my private health fund cover my treatment?

Embrace life is a BUPA Members First centre for Chiropractic and Physiotherapy. Depending on your health fund, will depend on the amount they cover. We also use TYRO so your claim can be made on the spot, for participating health funds.