Family Health

A healthy mum means a healthy family.

Family is the core of our community and always comes first. That’s why our mission is to provide a warm, nurturing family-oriented environment with integrity – offering education and empowerment to support you in making confident healthy choices for you and your family.

We aim to work with you in creating a plan for improved health and quality of life over a lifespan and teaching healthy habits that can be passed on from mother to child and to their future families. That’s why we offer a wide range of services, tocare for the whole family – from treasured newborns to our honoured elderly.

Free Child Health Clinic

Come to our Child Health Clinic on Monday and Friday mornings (9.30‐11.30am, except public holidays) where our Child Health team will give you 15 minutes of experienced advice for free.

Plus you can have your baby weighed! Our team consists of Midwives, Child Health Nurses and a Lactation Consultant – they are on hand to answer your questions.

For Parenting related articles, tips and hints, follow our Embrace Parenting page on Facebook.

breastfeeding lactation consultant

We have a friendly team of midwives, child health nurses, lactation consultant, acupuncturists, naturopaths,
chiropractors and massage therapists who may be able to help with the discomforts of pregnancy, including:

  • Post-natal care
  • Fatigue and morning sickness
  • Pain (back, neck and shoulder problems)
  • Headaches
  • Posture and weight-bearing
  • Fluid retention

Our naturopath can help to ensure you and your baby are
receiving the best possible nutrition.

You may also be interested in our fun and helpful classes
including Yoga.


BUPA, Medibank Private, NIB, CBHS & HCF*

The wonder of you and your baby

Breastfeeding is one of the many beautiful wonders of motherhood.

It is both a natural instinct and a learned skill. It requires inspiration, learning and at times some

Unique to you, your baby and your family

Successful breastfeeding takes more than just having the ‘right information’. It’s more than solely
‘textbook’ answers. Applying accurate breastfeeding knowledge to you, your baby and your family, takes a
unique understanding and approach.

And this is where we love to help families.

Is it normal to need some help?

Yes! It is normal to experience challenges and difficulties across your breastfeeding journey.

Breastfeeding can be an exquisitely enjoyable experience for a mother. It is also commonly challenging. And
at times even agonising!

Perhaps you have thought:

  • ‘I don’t think I am producing enough milk for my
  • ‘Should feeding my baby feel this painful?’
  • ‘Why is my baby crying after each feed?’
  • ‘I thought I would just ‘pop my baby on’ and everything
    would naturally go to plan.’
  • ‘I can’t seem to express enough milk.’
  • ‘I seem to be feeding differently to other mums – am I
    doing it right?’
  • ‘Does anyone else find breastfeeding hard?’

Every parent’s confidence can do with a little help: a simple chat, some keys to understanding, or just
knowing that
what you are experiencing is ‘normal’.

Breastfeeding is learned and inspired

As with other skills, breastfeeding is learned. It takes practice. It takes knowledge. And it takes being
inspired to be confident in your own natural instincts.

Every mother and her baby is unique. Every family is unique. Bringing together all these facets is how we can

Professional, inspiring & empathetic

We love helping mums on their breastfeeding journey.

Our passion at Embrace Life is to embolden educated and confident parents.

Our professional lactation consultancy is personal, empathetic and inspiring – with a generous dose of
positive moral support! It is designed to uniquely suit you, your baby and your family.

We help you to:

  • understand your baby’s unique feeding reflexes –
    each baby is different
  • work with your baby and your family – it’s a
    beautiful partnership!
  • access accurate and up-to-date breastfeeding
    knowledge, and
  • troubleshoot challenges or difficulties.

Our aims are clear:

  • provide you with education and understanding
  • build your confidence and empower you to make
    decisions, and to
  • help you relax and embrace the wonder of

Professional, empathetic and inspiring lactation consultancy. It’s unique to you.

Meet Sharon Armstrong

Meet Sharon
, our highly experienced lactation consultant, and passionate co-director of Embrace Life.

Lactation consultants are health professionals who require an international certification in breastfeeding
education and highly experienced clinical skills.

Sharon is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She holds a Master of Nursing and has more
than 20 years of experience working in both child and family health. She has two children.

Sharon helps families at any stage in their breastfeeding journey, including antenatal education.

Working with you

We can help you with a 1 hour consultation in our modern, family friendly clinic.

Consultations are claimable through BUPA for members with eligible Post Natal cover.

Sharon’s approach is to carefully observe you and your baby in a relaxed environment. This is to understand
the unique way you and your baby interact. She will inspire you to work with you and your baby’s wonderful
natural instincts, underpinned with a solid understanding of up-to-date breastfeeding knowledge.

Sharon is empathetic with a non-judgemental approach. She will work together with you, so you can work out
suits you and your family, and your breastfeeding goals.

Educated and confident parents

Our goal is not just to solve your challenges. Our passion is to embolden educated and confident parents.

How difficult or easy this journey will be for you, is unique for each mum, baby and family. You and your
baby are learning together, and we are there to help you in that learning journey.

Come and be supported by Sharon and her large professional team of qualified chiropractors,
physiotherapists, naturopaths and other therapists who love to care for babies and children.

Experienced, professional and empathetic care for your whole family, all in the one clinic.

Make a booking

  • 1 hour appointment at our modern designed clinic

* Lactation Consultations with Sharon are now claimable with a variety of health funds, depending on your
level of health cover. Please check with your health fund, prior to your appointment to see if you are
eligible to claim for Sharon’s Lactation services.

Did you know your baby possesses strong, instinctive physical reflexes that drive them to feed at
your breast?

It’s amazing to understand your baby is also working as hard as you in learning to breastfeed! Your baby’s
inbuilt physical responses are learning to latch on, suck, and position themselves to get as much precious
breast milk as they need.

Learning to work with your baby makes a beautiful partnership!

Learning to settle your baby or child, when they are not used to sleeping, can be very challenging on your
own. Our Baby consultants can help.

Child Health Nurse, Sharon Armstrong has years of experience and can give you personalised advice that can
make all the difference. Sharon also includes follow-up email support.

After talking to Sharon you will understand babies’ sleep cycles and ways to settle your baby or toddler that
fit in with your parenting style.

Clinic Consultation:

  • Thorough family assessment
  • 1 x hour clinic session
  • Personal advice to get your little one to
    sleep, including follow-up message and email support

For Parenting related articles, tips and hints, follow our Embrace Parenting page on Facebook.

breastfeeding lactation consultant

Baby & Child Therapies

While Embrace Life has been popular with adults; babies and children are now coming along for some nurturing care.

Chiropractic for babies and children

Our chiropractors are trained in working with babies and children – and we have special ways to help them feel relaxed and happy during a treatment.

For Parenting related articles, tips and hints, follow our Embrace Parenting page on Facebook.

Book a Consultation Today