Chiropractic for Babies & Children

Babies and toddlers undergo rapid growth and development in the first three years of life.

A well functioning spine is essential for the correct communication to occur between the brain, body and environment.

Chiropractic treatment is always age and condition specific. For babies and toddlers this means no more pressure is applied then that of which you would check for ripe fruit or apply to an eyeball. Often a gentle hold over the specific dysfunctional spinal segment or light cranial work is all that is required.

Chiropractic care for babies and children is extremely gentle(1)(2). Read about the Safer Care Victoria study from 2019, that investigated the safety of chiropractic care for children under 12:

Chiropractors also recommend home activities and exercises to encourage continual growth and development.

All of our Chiropractors who work with babies and children have completed additional training in pregnancy and paediatrics, with Dr Jana Kyte, Dr Fiona Johnson and Dr Caireen Du Plessis, having completed the two year Postgraduate Chiropractic Paediatric Diplomate program (DACCP) – only a small number of Chiropractors in Australia hold this qualification.

Referral to our Nutritionist for Nutritional advice may also be recommended to enhance the health of your child. Co-working with other practitioners such as a GP, Behavioural Optometrist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Dentist, physiotherapist, naturopath, or lactation consultant may also be recommended.

For further information about the health services Embrace Life provide, click here.

Experiencedchiropractors at Embrace Life can assess your child’s spine and cranio-dural system for imbalances in biomechanics and neurological responses.

General Recommendations:

  • ✓ Lots of skin on skin
  • ✓ Baby wearing – sling for 0-3 months and then upright carrier thereafter
  • ✓ Lots of eye contact
  • ✓ Massage
  • ✓ Ball rocking, tummy time, swinging in arms or on swivel chair
  • ✓ Limit screen time (TV, ipad, computers)
  • ✓ Laugh
  • ✓ Provide rich sensory experiences through playgroup, creative play, outside play, new places, new foods,
    social gatherings, regular changes in colours, light, sounds and movement opportunities


  1. Todd AJ, CArrol MT, Robinson A, Mitchell EK. Adverse events due to chiropractic and other manual therapies for infants and children: A review of literature. J MPT 2014 oct 30).
  2. Doyle MF. Is chiropractic paediatric care safe? A best evidence topic. Clinical Chiropractic (2011) 14, 97-105)