People normally book a massage for a particular problem, from tight painful muscles, pregnancy massage, lymphatic drainage or to assist a person to relax. The benefits of massage are so much more than these initial reasons to have a massage.
We have listed 10 great reasons to have a massage.
Massage can;
Relax tense muscles
Not only will it relieve tight, tense muscles but the relaxation side will help to relieve those daily stresses.
Help with flexibility and range of motion
Relaxing tight muscles will increase your flexibility which will keep your muscles working at their optimum.
Relieve stress
To be able to relax and let those daily stresses disappear.
Help to relieve headaches
The muscles around the neck that tighten up over time or with a particular problem can cause headaches.
Relax your body
Sometimes your body needs to be able to relax and be pampered.
Help to lower blood pressure
Studies have found that massage can help bring down blood pressure with people with hypertension.
Help people to sleep
After massage, people generally are relaxed and sleep well that night.
Help the lymphatic system
Lymphatic massages drain fluid build-up in the body, as well as increasing lymphatic circulation in your body.
Improve your posture
Tight muscles make good posture hard to achieve, relaxing those muscles will improve posture.
Help enhance skin tone and skin health
Can increase blood flow to the skin, increasing your blood circulation.
We hope we have inspired you to book your next massage at Embrace Life – we have a team of qualified Massage Therapists to keep your body functioning well. Massage is also claimable with most Private Health Insurance funds and claimable on the spot via TYRO.