St Patrick’s day Green Recipe ideas!

Let’s celebrate St Patrick’s day the most appropriate foodie way possible… with greens of course.

There is absolutely no denying the nutritional benefits of amping up your green vegetable intake – vitamins, minerals, alkalising, fibrous, detoxifying just to name a few. So here are a few tips on how to get them in your world on a daily basis as well as making them palatable to even the most stubborn of vegetable eaters, plus my most favourite greens recipe ever!

Grate/chop greens into what you already make e.g. grate zucchini and broccoli (stalks as well) into pasta sauces, quiches, meatballs, lasagne, stir fries

Sauté in a big bag of spinach to all cooked foods, for anyone who already does this knows just how much that big old 1kg bag withers down to nothing

Add leafy greens to smoothies, you can’t even taste that it’s in them when you pair it with fruit

Always, and I means always add herbs and spices to greens so that the flavour is irresistible, this could look like a simple drizzle of balsamic vinegar + olive oil over mixed leafy greens, crushed garlic in sautéed greens, roasted greens with dried rosemary or fresh parsley/coriander/basil leaves in a garden salad.

My most favourite greens recipe ever – AKA Lemon & garlic greens

1 onion, chopped

3 cups chopped greens of choice – I like to use peas, silverbeet (stalk included) and zucchini

1 lemon, zested & juiced

2-4 cloves garlic crushed (depending how garlicky you like)

Salt & pepper to taste


Fry off onion in a large saucepan with olive oil, until caramelised and fragrant. Add in chopped greens and sauté off until just cooked (veg should still be crunchy to get the most out of them). Mix in garlic and lemon zest, season with salt and pepper. Once served pour a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice for that final kick. Eat alongside eggs, pork chops, roasts, steaks, fish, beans & legumes, nuts and seeds. Yum!

If you’re looking to improve your nutrition, book an appointment with Jess today by calling 3491 6533.