Hands up if this describes you: You have been carrying some niggling pain with you for some time… while at work… at home… or while exercising (‘pain’ in this case can also include aching tension or burning). If asked to pinpoint the initial time when this occurred, you may say that it just seemed to start hurting without any obvious initial injury. The intensity of the pain feels low and once you’d had it for a while, it often started to go unnoticed. In an effort to fix the pain, you may have even tried visiting a hands-on health practitioner for treatment and had some good results, but inevitably the pain returned after the treatment stopped.
If this type of pain occurs for you and you find yourself scratching your head about what can be done, visiting an Exercise Physiologist can help. Pain of this nature can quite often be caused by a fault in how we hold our posture and move our bodies during normal daily activities. There are several reasons for why this occurs, but commonly faulty movement patterns can be influenced by past injuries / illnesses, imbalances in muscular strength / flexibility, our genetic disposition and more.
When visiting me for an Exercise Physiology session, I work to discover these underlying dysfunctional movement patterns by observing the client performing a range of activities such as standing, walking and sitting. Through careful analysis of movement technique, it is possible to uncover the patterns causing the issue and then help by teaching the client exercises or movements that will eventually correct the pattern.
A good example is chronic pain and tension for somebody sitting long hours at a computer. Very often this person will have had a massage or similar treatment in the past to try and fix the issue, but inevitably it returned once they fell out of the habit of regular treatments. In this case, the underlying cause is often due to holding poor upper body posture over a long period of time. Due to this poor posture, certain muscles in the neck and shoulders will gradually tighten or weaken, which acts to hold the skeleton in this dysfunctional position. The remedy in this case is to perform a range of exercises that encourage corrective movement and strengthening to gradually improve upper body posture and eliminate the increased tension caused to the neck muscles.
This type of assessment is well suited to anyone experiencing this chronic pain or tightness while performing any daily activity, from sitting to exercising regularly in the gym. So if this type of pain applies to you and you want to finally do something about it, I highly recommend that you come and see me.
Exercise Physiology is claimable through most private health funds.
Mick completed his degree at the University of Queensland in 2000 and has worked in many different settings in the health industry including gyms and health clinics as both a Personal Trainer and Exercise Physiologist. He has extensive experience working with a broad range of clients, including those wanting to lose weight or improve in fitness, athletes, children, war veterans, those with complex health issues and many others in between. He particularly enjoys helping clients who are experiencing ongoing pain and dysfunction to regain their health and vitality.