Babies in the womb are aware


Long before they are born, babies are thinking, feeling and even acting. They can learn and remember.

Renowned conductor, Boris Brott, found that as an adult he knew and recognised a piece of music sight unseen. You can imagine how surprised he was to discover that mother, a professional cellist, had practised that music many times during her pregnancy .. he had learnt it before he was born!

What happens during a baby’s time in the womb can shape his personality, drives and ambitions in many important ways.

How the mother thinks and feels is also a major influence in how the unborn baby thinks and feels. After following 2,000 women through pregnancy and birth, psychologist Dr Monika Lukesch concluded that the mother’s attitude had the single greatest effect on how the infant turned out. The children of mothers with the most positive attitude were much healthier, emotionally and physically at birth and afterward.

Numerous studies also show a link between antenatal maternal anxiety/stress and cognitive, behavioural, and emotional problems in the child. A loving, calming environment reinforces a baby’s positive feelings of security and begins shaping his attitudes and expectations about himself.

And what about birth? Yes babies do remember birth and so do the parents.

Dr Thomas Verny in his bookThe Secret Life of the Unborn Child talks of how a mother delivers her baby is enormously influenced by the way she feels at the moment of birth. If she is relaxed, confident and looking forward to the birth, chances are good that her birth will be simple and trouble free. If she is racked with doubts and worries, or is in conflict about the prospect of becoming a mother, the risk of complication rises accordingly.

These understandings point to the need for a calm pregnancy, gentle birth and the importance of supporting women as they go through pregnancy into motherhood.

Pregnant mums, if you are feeling stressed then maybe now is the time for a little self nurturing; you can reduce any anxiety with pregnancy hypnosis, relax with pregnancy massage, stay pain free with regular chiropractic care, attend some pregnancy yoga classes or even consider some birth preparation for later on.

Pregnancy really is a limited time experience, so even if yours hasn’t been perfect so far, and you have noticed some of those occasional discomforts, think about how you can make these 9-10 months of gestation a joyous and calm one for your baby.

You will both reap the benefits many years from now.

By Bree Taylor Molyneaux, Clinical Hypnotherapist