So, you’ve reflected on 2017 – the high’s, the low’s and you want to put a plan into place for the goals you want to achieve and the things you want to attract in 2018? Instead of New Year’s resolutions, why not consider creating a Vision Board!
A Vision Board is a tool to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on the goals and dreams you want to achieve in your life.
What you will need to create your Vision Board:
- A piece of cardboard/foamboard (available at most craft shops)
- Glue
- Scissors
- Old Magazines
- Optional extras – Scrapbooking stickers to decorate your board, lettering to highlight areas in your life you want to focus on etc.
Now, let’s start creating!
To start with, think about your goals in the following areas of your life: Relationships, Finances, Career, Home, Travel and Personal Growth etc. Now, sit back in a quiet space and write down a list of words that you want to epitomise in 2018. For example, they could be along the lines of Inspired, Strong, Grow, Happy, Positive, Success, Wellbeing etc. Now look through your magazines and look for the words you wrote down (and others that inspire you) – cut them out.
Now it is time to look for pictures in your magazines that reflect the outcomes you want to achieve in 2018. Those pictures could be of someone exercising, doing yoga, meditating, traveling, looking happy, laughing, being organised, that car you want etc. Cut out all the pictures that resonate with you. Note, if you can’t find the pictures or words you want, use Google images on the internet and print out what you are looking for.
Now it’s time to place your words and images onto your board – you may want to play around with this to get your Vision Board the way you want it. There is no right or wrong way to do this, so arrange them until you are satisfied.
Glue all of your items and add any decorative pieces you like and then the most important thing of all – put your Vision Board somewhere where you will see it every day, multiple times a day. That may be in your bedroom – so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up, or you may want your Vision Board at work where you can look at it during the day.
Here’s to a wonderful year and we hope we have inspired you to create the life you want in 2018.