5 Ways to Make your food Super Herbal Delicious and Digestible!

My name is Luke Paten and I am one of two Acupuncturists here at Embrace Life. A lot of patients come in with digestive challenges either as a primary or secondary reason for seeking treatment. Acupuncture helps balance the organ function of the body and can move on stress and other toxins that inhibit digestion. Treatments are painless, warm and comfortable. Here are some at Home Habits that are easy, tasty and fun to add to your dietary repertoire.

#1 Juicing – Warm Things Up a Little

When making Juices for health use room temperature fruits and vegetables and add a touch of Cayenne Pepper, some Fresh Ginger or Turmeric.

#2 Slow Cook, Long Cook – Tasty pre-digestion Perfection

Traditional Master Stocks have been passed down for hundreds of years in China. These Herbal spiced brews are used to long cook and tenderise meats, root vegetables and to get the most out of bone broths. Slow and Long cooking with herbs and spices improves the thermal nature of food, its flavour, tonifies the Organs involved in Digestion and predigests harder to break down foods.

#3 OMG Turns out Moderation was Correct – Just enough was enough

Would you believe that in Chinese Medicine the sweet flavour is known to be a digestive tonic. Sweet flavours like sugar and honey nourish the spleen and stomach. However, too much sweet flavours damage these organs. My medicine is just enough of my vice.

#4 Eating Big Happens Early – Brunch, Munch, Munch

Eating till your super full can put you to sleep. This means your organs are overloaded and need to knock the rest of the system out just to focus on digestion. Eat till your 80% full, live longer, eat more. If you do need a big meal have it at Breakfast and Lunch then you have the rest of the day to be active, move and digest it. You’ll sleep better too.

#5 Desserts – Okay if I Must…

Ice Creams, Yoghurts and creams are cold and damp in Chinese Medicine terms often leading to phlegm. These very cold natured foods are an occasional food best eaten on their own away from heavy meals. Cinnamon, ginger and honey can help your stomach stay warm during these delicious cold times. A cup of hot lemon and ginger tea before bed will also settle a shivering belly.

Enjoy Eating😊